Course description
In this high school Algebra 1 course, students will become familiar with algebraic content and skills. They will practice skills using self-corrected exercise sets in preparation for chapter tests that gauge their grasp of the material. Lessons include exploratory activities to help students connect with their prior knowledge and explore topics in novel ways. Activities provide varied opportunities to explore real-world applications, dive deeper into concepts with technology, analyze concepts from a historical and cultural perspective, apply math concepts artistically, look at issues in society through a mathematical lens, explore financial applications of the lesson concepts.
Topics include graphs, functions, inequalities, systems of linear equations, polynomials, rational expressions, radicals, trigonometric ratios, and quadratic equations.
Course materials
In addition to the coursebook, the following textbook is required for this course:
Algebra 1 by Elayn Martin-Gay (Pearson, 2016)