American Literature: The Westward Journey Coursebook

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Course Overview

Course Length: One Semester

Grade Level: 11 12

View samples of our high school curriculum here. You can also read Cathy Duffy's review of this course here.

This American Literature course explores how the United States developed its shape and character throughout the 19th century by way of the movement called the Westward Expansion.

By reading and reflecting on the words artwork and novels that contain their stories students will gain an understanding of the authentic experiences and perspectives of those who immigrated to the region those whose families had lived on the land for generations and those whose ancestors had been there for millennia. Students will develop insight into how people influence the land and how the land influences people.

Additional Materials Required

The following books are used in conjunction with this coursebook:

Product Details

  • Publisher: Oak Meadow Inc.
  • Version date: July 2022
  • Pages: 96
  • Binding: Spiral bound
  • Product dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Item weight: 0.50 lbs