Fundamentals of Physics Coursebook

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Individual Curriculum Item
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Course Overview

Course Length: Full year

Grade Level: 11 12

View samples of our high school curriculum here.

This full-year course is an in-depth exploration into introductory physics. In addition to textbook reading and questions it includes analytical problem solving research and hands-on activities and labs.

Lessons include math reviews so students are prepared to make the necessary calculations in each lesson. Many lessons include options for students to choose which activities they would like to do. Students will also complete unit projects that focus on a variety of STEM (science technology engineering and math) skills including scientific communication engineering design data interpretation and experiential learning.

In this course students will learn physics through a multi-tiered approach. They will first build conceptual understanding of a new topic through inquiry activities textbook readings and research. Next they will learn the mathematics that describe the topic and practice what they know by answering conceptual and analytical questions. Then students will apply the principles to laboratory experiments and hands-on projects.

Suggested Prerequisites: Algebra 2 and Geometry

Additional Materials Required

This materials are used in conjunction with this coursebook:

Product Details

  • Publisher: Oak Meadow Inc.
  • Version date: 2024
  • Pages: 378
  • Binding: Spiral bound
  • Product dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Item weight: 2.00 lbs