Physics for High School by OpenStax

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Individual Curriculum Item
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This Physics resource was developed under the guidance and support of experienced high school teachers and subject matter experts.

Beginning with an introduction to physics and scientific processes and followed by chapters focused on motion mechanics thermodynamics waves and light this book incorporates a variety of tools to engage and inspire students.

Hands-on labs worked examples and highlights of how physics is applicable everywhere in the natural world are embedded throughout the book and each chapter incorporates a variety of assessment types such as practice problems performance tasks and traditional multiple choice items.

Senior Contributing Authors
  • Paul Peter Urone California State University Sacramento
  • Roger Hinrichs State University of New York College at Oswego
Contributing Authors
  • Fatih Gozuacik Pennsylvania Department of Education
  • Denise Pattison East Chambers ISD Catherine Tabor Northwest Early High School

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Product Details

  • Hardcover Textbook
  • Publisher: XanEdu Publishing Inc
  • Publication date: March 26 2020
  • Pages: 849
  • Item weight: 4.00 lbs