Student Planner

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Oak Meadow’s weekly planner is designed with homeschoolers in mind. Based on requests ideas and feedback from families over the years we’ve come up with planners that can be used by any homeschooler to keep track of their learning regardless of what type of curriculum courses or unschooling they are doing. The planners will help students and parents plan in advance and budget both time and resources.

The Oak Meadow Student Planner is packed with student resources. The goal is for students to take charge of their own learning. Developing time management skills is an essential part of the learning process. Using this planner students can create a weekly schedule for getting each assignment completed and keep track of other commitments such as sports music or art classes job responsibilities and social plans or family vacations. In addition to a study skills checklist the student planner has the following resources (and more!)

  • U.S. and world maps
  • Units of measure and metric conversion chart
  • Multiplication tables
  • Steps of the scientific method
  • English grammar and writing guidelines
  • Information on citing sources

In the back of the planner a checklist of learning goals gives students an overview of general skills needed in each subject. High school and middle school students can use this planner to help them stay organized and on track during their homeschooling year.

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Oak Meadow Inc.
  • Publication date: August 2017
  • Pages: 108
  • Binding: Spiral bound
  • Product dimensions: 7 x 10 inches
  • Item weight: .6 lbs