Word: The Poet’s Voice Coursebook

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Coursebook Overview

Course Length: One semester

Suggested Grade Level(s): 9 10 11 12

View samples of our high school curriculum here.

In this one semester course students explore the writing craft and learn to produce poems that deserve to be read.

Students will study various poetic themes from nature writing and love poetry to spoken word and environmentally-themed poems. Students will read poetry translated into English and explore poetry focused on capturing and expressing the female perspective.

Students create and learn how to edit and revise their own poems while becoming skilled at analyzing works by other poets. A wide variety of writing exercises allow each student to venture beyond their home to observe the world around them record their observations and channel what they see and experience directly into their poems. By the end of the course students will have a polished folio of poetry.

No additional materials are required to complete this course.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Oak Meadow Inc.
  • Version date: July 2022
  • Pages: 88
  • Binding: Spiral bound
  • Product dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
    Item weight: 0.70 lbs