7th Grade Earth Science Teacher Manual - Digital

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Digital Curriculum
Teacher Guide
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About our Digital Curriculum

This product grants you a 4-year long subscription to a digital ebook version of our printed 7th Grade Earth Science Teacher Manual. The digital curriculum is for use on electronic devices and cannot be printed or shared.

Please allow 2-4 business days for us to grant you access to your digital subscription. Digital eBooks will be accessible through the Kitaboo platform.  

Click here for more information about Oak Meadow's digital curriculum subscriptions.

Teacher Manual Overview

This Oak Meadow teacher manual is designed for teachers and parents who are supporting independent learners taking 7th grade science but cannot be used on its own to complete the course. In addition to specific answers to questions, teacher manuals include guidance on assessing student work, tracking student progress, and evaluating student responses to open-ended assignments. An Oak Meadow Coursebook is required for the student to complete each course.

In this exploration of our dynamic Earth and its neighboring celestial bodies, students will get their hands dirty, use their imaginations, and get wrapped up in the details of astronomy, geology, meteorology, weathering and erosion, oceanography, and resource management. This is an introductory course designed to spark interest, begin conversations, and teach skills in observation, experimentation, inquiry, and hypothesizing. Please note that the teacher manual does not hold the answers to all questions; in fact, some questions can only be answered by the student. Our hope is that students will develop a growing wonder and appreciation for the incredible power and detail that is revealed through a study of Earth Science.

View a sample of this teacher manual here.

Product Details:

  • Publisher: Oak Meadow, Inc. 
  • Publication date: March 2021
  • Pages: 144
  • Format: Digital ebook
  • Subscription Length: 4 years