Saxon Calculus Homeschool Kit, 2nd Edition

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Curriculum Package
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What's Included

The following items are included in the Saxon Calculus Homeschool Kit:

  • Saxon Calculus Second Edition (9781565771468): Non-consumable hardcover student text
  • Homeschool Testing Book (9781600320156): Tests on the material covered in the Saxon Calculus Textbook
  • Answer Key (9781565771826): Answer key for tests and problem sets; does not provide worked out solutions or teaching instructions

Additional Recommended Materials

Saxon Calculus Solutions Manual is recommended for the complete worked out solutions to each problem (sold separately).

Course Overview

Course Length: 1.5 years

Suggested Grade Level(s): 12

Calculus treats all the topics normally covered in an Advanced Placement AB-level calculus program as well as many of the topics required for a BC-level program. This homeschool Calculus curriuclum begins with a thorough review of those mathematical concepts and skills required for calculus.

In the early problem sets students practice setting up word problems they will later encounter as calculus problems. The problem sets contain multiple-choice and conceptually-oriented problems similar to those found on the Advanced Placement Calculus examination. Whenever possible students are provided an intuitive introduction to concepts prior to a rigorous examination of them. Proofs are provided for all important theorems.

Product Details

  • Hardcover Edition
  • Publisher: Saxon Publishers 2nd edition
  • Publication date: September 1 2006
  • Product dimensions: 8.75(w) x 11.0(h)