Parent Planner

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Oak Meadow’s weekly planner is designed with homeschoolers in mind. Based on requests ideas and feedback from families over the years we’ve come up with planners that can be used by any homeschooler to keep track of their learning regardless of what type of curriculum courses or unschooling they are doing. The planner will help parents plan in advance and budget both time and resources.

The Oak Meadow Homeschool Parent Planner includes tips and advice from experienced Oak Meadow teachers to inspire and guide your homeschooling journey. You’ll also find a study skills checklist that will help you direct your students toward effective study habits that will support their independent learning in the years to come. In the back of our homeschooling parent planner we’ve included general learning targets for each grade level that give you a baseline map for learning from kindergarten to grade 4.

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Oak Meadow Inc.
  • Publication date: August 2017
  • Pages: 90
  • Binding: Spiral bound
  • Product dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Item weight: .6 lbs