Biology: The Study of Life Coursebook, Third Edition

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Individual Curriculum Item
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Course Length: Full year

Suggested Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11

In this course students will be immersed in the study of living things. The course focuses on an understanding of broader concepts and how they are interconnected. Students will be observing inferring and experimenting as they are encouraged to ask questions form explanations compare their explanations with current scientific knowledge and communicate their ideas.

The course includes comprehension and critical thinking questions, activities, and labs. A lab kit is included with the course package; there is a full list of materials in the coursebook appendix.

This course is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and satisfies the high school lab science requirement.

The lessons are organized into 8 units:

Unit 1: The Nature of Life

Unit 2: Ecology

Unit 3: Cells

Unit 4: Genetics

Unit 5: Evolution

Unit 6: Diversity of Life

Course materials:

In addition to the coursebook, the following materials are used in this course:

  • Miller & Levine Biology, Student Edition (Savvas 2019)
  • Oak Meadow Biology Lab Manual
  • Biology lab kit

Product Details

  • Publisher: Oak Meadow Inc.
  • Publication date: January 2025
  • Pages: 304
  • Binding: Spiral bound
  • Product dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Item weight: 2.1 lbs