Race and Ethnic Studies: Power and Perspective Coursebook

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Course Overview

Course Length: One Semester

Grade Level: 11 12

View samples of our high school curriculum here.

Critical race and ethnic studies emphasize the intersections of forms of social differentiation including race ethnicity class gender ability and sexuality and examine how these forms of differentiation provide advantages for some groups and disadvantages for others. This course looks beyond cultural identity to consider inequality power and social change while examining how race and racism are foundational to the formation of the United States and spread their influence beyond borders.

In this single-semester course students will explore these issues through resources from a variety of perspectives. They will examine how the topics impact their own experiences and feelings by responding to journal prompts throughout the course. Students will develop a long-term course project to produce a children’s book about an issue related to critical race and ethnic studies.

Additional Materials Required

This materials are used in conjunction with this coursebook and are included in the course package.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Oak Meadow Inc.
  • Version date: July 2022
  • Pages: 120
  • Binding: Spiral bound
  • Product dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Item weight: 0.65 lbs