3rd Grade Package

MSRP: $583.00
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12.00 LBS
Curriculum Package
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What's Included

The following literature and materials are included with the 3rd Grade Package:

Additional Materials Recommended

The following items are recommended to complete the 3rd grade coursework:

3rd Grade Overview

View a sample of our 3rd grade curriculum here.

The challenging and practical tasks of Oak Meadow’s 3rd grade curriculum encourage new skills and awareness through observation precision imagination and creativity.

In language arts classic children’s literature forms the foundation of a rich and effective Language Arts program that develops essential grammar and composition skills. A new interest in careful work is encouraged through the introduction of cursive handwriting and basic spelling rules.

In social studies students develop a deeper understanding of history by reading about the legends laws and government of ancient cultures. While learning about these cultures beliefs and perspectives students also learn about different world religions as these were essential elements of ancient cultures. For instance students learn about the religious beliefs of Native Americans ancient Hebrews Phoenicians Kush Egyptians and more. This is done through a sociological and historical perspective. Geography is explored as students investigate and map their own cultural heritage.

The 3rd grade math curriculum focuses on multiplication tables place-value to the millions and counting with money while also learning how to carry and borrow add and subtract three-digit numbers and solve division problems with remainders.

In science students observe weather patterns interdependence in nature local trees and the changing of the seasons. Students are introduced to the scientific method through simple experiments that encourage careful observation and accurate reporting skills.

Art crafts music and health activities encourage students to explore through a variety of media including watercolor clay carpentry cooking and paper marbling. Students continue to develop their recorder-playing skills create their own book of music and conduct inquiries into topics related to their healthy development.

Projects crafts and activities include:

  • Write imaginative stories
  • Memorize poems
  • Learn cursive handwriting
  • Create multiplication designs
  • Play math games
  • Conduct a planet rotation experiment
  • Make a tree collage